Future-oriented automation face to face

The presence fair Motek/Bondexpo is scheduled for 05. to 08 October 2021 in Stuttgart in full preparation. Exhibitors and trade visitors expect the traditional trade fair duo as the most important trade fair for the industrial automation industry this fall.
For the 39th Motek – International Trade Fair for Production and Assembly Automation – and the 14th Bondexpo – International Trade Fair for Adhesive Bonding Technology – the trade fair promoter, P.E. SCHALL GmbH & Co. KG, is reporting a “very pleasing” level of bookings: “We can clearly sense how much our exhibitors are looking forward to real technical discussions with customers and interested expert visitors”, notes Managing Director Bettina Schall.
Automation intelligence for production and assembly – put into practice
Currently, the industrial manufacturing sector is implementing networking, digitization and automation in concrete terms. The Smart Factory is a reality. “The considerable technological developments we have seen in recent years are now coming together ‘on the road’,” states Motek project manager Rainer Bachert. Robotics, sensor technology, image processing, handling and transport are increasingly autonomous, fully integrated solutions within the scope of production and assembly automation. The role of software is becoming increasingly important, and on top of that, AI solutions are gradually and naturally finding their way into industrial production processes. “The robot has not stood alone for a long time,” says Rainer Bachert. “We will therefore see many interesting overall robotics solutions at the show, including for new markets.”
Integrated solutions, complementary topics: optimal interaction of all parties involved
Companies and operations have noticeably pushed automation and digitization, and manufacturing processes and industrial material flows have been improved and adapted. With the optimal interaction of the overall systems, production companies are moving into new dimensions in terms of efficiency, sustainability, safety and supply chain reliability. The traditional and proven double trade show Motek/Bondexpo is also about an optimal complement in terms of thematic structure: The complementary Bondexpo focuses on industrial joining and bonding technology. It can be used to join virtually any combination of materials, both identical and dissimilar, without losing the material properties and associated benefits.
Future topic joining and bonding technology
Many technological developments are only possible through the use of state-of-the-art adhesives, for example in energy-saving lightweight constructions in the transport sector, in electric cars, and in wind power or photovoltaic systems. “The use of adhesives has become indispensable in many industrial and craft sectors and will become even more important in the future,” explains Dr. Vera Haye, General Manager of Industrieverband Klebstoffe e.V. (IVK). Bonded products can improve both energy efficiency and material efficiency compared to alternative products. Only adhesive bonding technology enables different high-tech materials to be joined in a way that is appropriate for the material while retaining their advantageous properties.
Motek/Bondexpo: perfect setting for B2B communication
As the leading trade fair for the world of automation, Motek/Bondexpo presents an up-to-the-minute portfolio of products and services – components, assemblies, subsystems, software, complete systems. The exhibition organizer has adapted and expanded the nomenclature and product classification in the item “Software for assembly”. In Hall 1, exhibitors from the software sector will present their solutions in a concentrated manner. The exhibition date 05. to 08 October 2021 should definitely be firmly noted for the personal meeting of the excellent business community in Stuttgart.